Quantum immersive cubes allow the viewer to experience a physical representation of infinity.
This series is a continuation of the previous "infinity cubes" and other reflective spaces created by
artists of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries (Lucas Samaras, Yayoi Kusama...).
The particularities of this version are its lighting system and the use of real mirrors (not polished
plate or other reflective materials) for an optimal feeling of spaciousness.
此作品為四維空間系列。quantum讓觀眾可以身歷其境無限的物理表現。這個系列是之前 "Infinity cubes" 和其他二十世紀和二十一世紀的藝術家(盧卡斯薩馬拉斯,草間彌生...)的無限反射作品之延續 。
quantum的特點是它的燈光系統,以及使用真正的鏡子(不是拋光板或其他反光材料),以讓體驗者獲 得最佳無限空間體驗。燈光系統能隨著音樂律動而跟著改變情境,讓體驗者達到全方面的視覺聽覺體驗 。
Dimensions : 240x240x240cm.
LEDs WS2812b controlled by T300K, steel structure, 24 large mirrors.
Design, production : Rémi Roche
Special thanks for their support : Joy YIN, Guillaume PIGEARD & Razat KHARGA

Photo credit : cheng_wei_photography

Photo credit : choerhchun

Photo credit : @showtseng

Photo credit : cheng_wei_photography

Credit photo : @laura.p.photo

Credit photo : @laura.p.photo